Recommended Resources
MUSIC & PodcastS
Worship Songs:
We sing a variety of worship songs on a Sunday at Riverview Church. We have a curated playlist of these songs available on Spotify. (rvc.co/playlist)
Riverview Church Conversations Podcast:
Join us for a conversation about matters of life and faith. You can download the podcast on Apple Podcast or Spotify.
Other Podcast Recommendations:
Bible Project
Practicing the Way
Renovaré Podcast
Undeceptions with John Dickson
On being known:
The Gift of Being Yourself: David G. Benner
Life Together: Dietrich Bonhoeffer
When the Church was a Family: Joseph Hellerman
A Fellowship of Differents: Scot McKnight
The Wounded Healer: Henri Nouwen
On being formed:
The Deeply Formed Life: Rich Villodas
Every Moment Holy: Douglas Mckelvey
Renovation of the Heart: Dallas Willard
The Cost of Discipleship: Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry: John Mark Comer
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: Pete Scazzero
Sacred Rhythms: Ruth Hayley Barton
How to Pray: Pete Greig
Gentle & Lowly: Dane C. Ortlund
Celebration of Discipline: Richard Foster
On being a blessing:
Surprise the World: Michael Frost
Shaped by God’s Heart: Milfred Minatrea
Practicing the Presence of God: Brother Lawrence
Eternity is Now in Session: John Ortberg
Garden City: John Mark Comer
RightNowMedia (Access available through Riverview Church login)
Courses & Classrooms:
Alpha (available at Riverview or online)
Prayer Course (available at Riverview or online)
Marriage Course (available online)
BibleProject Classroom (available online)
N.T. Wright Online (available online)
Prepare Enrich (available at Riverview by appointment)
Devotionals& Apps
Reservoir - A Spiritual Formation Devotional: Renovare
Live in Grace, Walk in Love: Bob Goff
My Utmost for His Highest: Oswald Chambers